Files ===== Files operations on the HPC systems are performed through the **/files** endpoint. ========================== All the requests reported below must be appended to the service endpoint: **** The allowed HPC string values are: * pizdaint * nsg The allowed Project string values are: * bsp_pizdaint_01 * bsp_nsg_01 ========================== The APIs allow to get a list of files related to a specific job and to download them individually. **URL: /files/**\ *(string: hpc)*\ **/**\ *(string: project_name)*\ **/**\ *(string: job_id)*\ **/**\ *(optional string: file_id)*\ **/** **Required Headers:** * Authorization: .. code:: Authorization: Bearer **Example:** * *Get the file list of a completed job on NSG system* **Example Request** .. code:: GET /files/nsg/bsp_nsg_01/NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-018095E597064F9FBEC486ED29BD2138/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ { u'fileid': u'29057', u'filename': u'STDOUT', u'length': u'244144' }, { u'fileid': u'29059', u'filename': u'STDERR', u'length': u'372' } ] * *Download a file of a completed job on NSG system* **Example Request** .. code:: GET /files/nsg/bsp_nsg_01/NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-018095E597064F9FBEC486ED29BD2138/29057/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/unknown * *Get the file list of a completed job on CSCS-Pizdaint system* **Example Request** .. code:: GET /files/pizdaint/bsp_pizdaint_01/DBC6A573-9D99-4376-983C-9A3536CDD753/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json [ u'/UNICORE_Job_1552071365450', u'/stderr', u'/UNICORE_SCRIPT_EXIT_CODE', u'/stdout', u'/bss_submit_1552071365450' ] * *Download a file of a completed job on CSCS-Pizdaint system* **Example Request** .. code:: GET /files/pizdaint/bsp_pizdaint_01/DBC6A573-9D99-4376-983C-9A3536CDD753/stdout/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain