

part of controlledTerms in version v1 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
name Word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a being or thing. string Controlled term originating from a defined terminology.
addExistingTerminology Reference to an existing terminology (distinct class to group related terms). linked object Terminology Add an existing terminology in which the suggested term should be integrated in.
definition Short, but precise statement of the meaning of a word, word group, sign or a symbol. string Enter one sentence for defining this term.
description Longer statement or account giving the characteristics of someone or something. string Enter a short text describing this term.
ontologyIdentifier Term or code used to identify something or someone registered within a particular ontology. string (format: iri) Enter the internationalized resource identifier (IRI) pointing to the related ontological term.
suggestNewTerminology Proposal of a new distinct class to group related terms. string Propose a name for a new terminology in which the suggested term should be integrated in.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("https://openminds.ebrains.eu/vocab/PROPERTY_NAME").