
part of controlledTerms in version v1 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
name Word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a being or thing. string Controlled term originating from a defined terminology.
definition Short, but precise statement of the meaning of a word, word group, sign or a symbol. string Enter one sentence for defining this term.
description Longer statement or account giving the characteristics of someone or something. string Enter a short text describing this term.
interlexIdentifier Persistent identifier for a term registered in the InterLex project. string (format: iri) Enter the internationalized resource identifier (IRI) pointing to the integrated ontology entry in the InterLex project.
knowledgeSpaceLink Persistent link to an encyclopedia entry in the Knowledge Space project. string (format: iri) Enter the internationalized resource identifier (IRI) pointing to the wiki page of the corresponding term in the KnowledgeSpace.
preferredOntologyIdentifier Persistent identifier of a preferred ontological term. string (format: iri) Enter the internationalized resource identifier (IRI) pointing to the preferred ontological term.
synonym Words or expressions used in the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. array (1 - n) of type:
Enter one or several synonyms (including abbreviations) for this controlled term.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("").
nameID Preferred ontology identifier
abstract image visual stimulation In an 'abstract image visual stimulation' a subject is visually stimulated with a static image that does not show a natural scene but reduced information or forms (e.g., colored symbols or outlines of faces). JSON-LD
checkerboard visual stimulation Stimulation technique that uses a checkerboard as visual stimulus. JSON-LD
current step stimulation Current step stimulation is a technique in which an amount of current is applied in predefined steps, whilst measuring changes in neural/muscular activity. JSON-LD
drifting grating visual stimulation JSON-LD
electrical stimulation A technique used to elicit a reaction by an electrical stimulus. JSON-LD , Interlex
figure-ground visual stimulation JSON-LD
Gestalt visual stimulation JSON-LD
microstimulation JSON-LD
natural image visual stimulation In a 'natural image visual stimulation' a subject is visually stimulated with a static image that shows a natural scene (e.g., landscape or a person). JSON-LD
natural sound auditory stimulation JSON-LD
optogenetic stimulation Using light of a particular wavelength, 'optogenetic stimulation' increases or inhibits the activity of neuron populations that express (typically due to genetic manipulation) light-sensitive ion channels, pumps or enzymes. JSON-LD
photon stimulation JSON-LD
random dot motion stimulation In a 'random dot motion stimulation' a subject is visually stimulated with a video where simulated randomly distributed dot(s) are re-positioned at a new random location with each video frame [[Newsome & Paré, 1988]( JSON-LD
single pulse electrical stimulation A 'single pulse electrical stimulation' is a cortical stimulation technique typically used in the field of epilepsy surgery. JSON-LD
static grating visual stimulation JSON-LD
transcranial magnetic stimulation JSON-LD
whisker stimulation 'Whisker stimulation' comprises all stimulation techniques in which a single whisker or a group of whiskers is deflected in repeatable manner. JSON-LD