

part of specimenPrep in version v1 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
device Piece of equipment or mechanism (hardware) designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function. linked object SlicingDeviceUsage Add the device used to slice the tissue sample.
input Something or someone that is put into or participates in a process or machine. linked object SubjectState OR
TissueSampleCollectionState OR
Add the state of the specimen that was sliced during this activity.
output Something or someone that comes out of, is delivered or produced by a process or machine. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
TissueSampleCollectionState OR
Add the state of the tissue sample slice or collection of slices that resulted from this activity.
temperature embedded object QuantitativeValue OR
Enter the temperature at which the tissue sample was sliced during the activity.
tissueBathSolution linked object ChemicalMixture Add the chemical mixture used as bath solution during this activity.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("https://openminds.ebrains.eu/vocab/PROPERTY_NAME").