
part of SANDS in version v0 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
annotationSet Collection of notes or markings, each added by way of comment or explanation. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
Add all annotations that belong to this brain atlas version.
coordinateSpace Two or three dimensional geometric setting. linked object CoordinateSpace Add the coordinate space in which this brain atlas version exists in.
fullName Whole, non-abbreviated name of something or somebody. string Enter a descriptive full name for this brain atlas version.
releaseDate Fixed date on which a product is due to become or was made available for the general public to see or buy string Enter the date of first publication of this brain atlas version.
shortName Shortened or fully abbreviated name of something or somebody. string Enter a descriptive short name for this brain atlas version.
terminology Nomenclature for a particular field of study. linked object AtlasTerminology Add the terminology used for this brain atlas version.
versionIdentifier Term or code used to identify the version of something. string Enter the version identifier of this brain atlas version.
versionInnovation Documentation on what changed in comparison to a previously published form of something. string Enter a short description of the novelties/peculiarities of this brain atlas version.
digitalIdentifier Digital handle to identify objects or legal persons. linked object DigitalIdentifier Add the globally unique and persistent digital identifier of this brain atlas version.
hasAlternativeVersion linked object array (1 - n) of type:
Add one or several alternative versions to this brain atlas version.
homepage Main website of something or someone. string Enter the internationalized resource identifier (IRI) to the homepage of this brain atlas.
isNewVersionOf Reference to a previous (potentially outdated) particular form of something. linked object BrainAtlasVersion Add the earlier version of this brain atlas version.
ontologyIdentifier Term or code used to identify something or someone registered within a particular ontology. string Enter the identifier (IRI) of the related ontological term matching this brain atlas version.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("").