

part of ephys in version v1 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
device Piece of equipment or mechanism (hardware) designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
ElectrodeArrayUsage OR
ElectrodeUsage OR
PipetteUsage OR
Add all electrodes placed during this activity.
input Something or someone that is put into or participates in a process or machine. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
TissueSampleState OR
Add the state of the specimen that the device is being placed in or on during this activity.
isPartOf Reference to the ensemble of multiple things or beings. linked object DatasetVersion Add the dataset version in which this activity was conducted.
output Something or someone that comes out of, is delivered or produced by a process or machine. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
TissueSampleState OR
Add all states of the specimen(s) that the device was placed in or on as a result of this activity.
protocol Plan that describes the process of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
Add all protocols used during this activity.
customPropertySet embedded object array (1 - n) of type:
Add any user-defined parameters grouped in context-specific sets that are not covered in the standardized properties of this activity.
description Longer statement or account giving the characteristics of someone or something. string Enter a description of this activity.
endTime string (format: date-time or time) Enter the date and/or time on when this activity ended, formatted as either '2023-02-07T16:00:00+00:00' (date-time) or '16:00:00+00:00' (time).
lookupLabel string Enter a lookup label for this activity that may help you to find this instance more easily.
performedBy linked object array (1 - n) of type:
Person OR
Add all agents that performed this activity.
preparationDesign linked object PreparationType Add the initial preparation type for this activity.
startTime string (format: date-time or time) Enter the date and/or time on when this activity started, formatted as either '2023-02-07T16:00:00+00:00' (date-time) or '16:00:00+00:00' (time).
studyTarget Structure or function that was targeted within a study. linked object array (1 - n) of type:
ParcellationEntity OR
ParcellationEntityVersion OR
CustomAnatomicalEntity OR
MolecularEntity OR
OrganismSubstance OR
ElectricalStimulusType OR
UBERONParcellation OR
Handedness OR
OlfactoryStimulusType OR
DiseaseModel OR
Disease OR
GustatoryStimulusType OR
AuditoryStimulusType OR
OpticalStimulusType OR
CellCultureType OR
BreedingType OR
TactileStimulusType OR
BiologicalOrder OR
OrganismSystem OR
BiologicalSex OR
VisualStimulusType OR
CellType OR
Organ OR
TissueSampleType OR
Species OR
GeneticStrainType OR
TermSuggestion OR
Add all study targets of this activity.
targetPosition embedded object AnatomicalTargetPosition Enter the anatomical target position for the placement of the device.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("https://openminds.ebrains.eu/vocab/PROPERTY_NAME").