
part of core in version v3 - view as JSON Schema

Required properties are highlighted in bold
isPartOf Reference to the ensemble of multiple things or beings. linked object FileBundle OR
Add the file bundle or file repository this file bundle is a part of.
name Word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a being or thing. string Enter the name of this file bundle.
content Something that is contained. string Enter a short content description for this file bundle.
descendedFrom linked object array (1 - n) of type:
StimulationApproach OR
AnalysisTechnique OR
StimulationTechnique OR
Technique OR
FileBundle OR
File OR
SubjectState OR
TissueSampleCollectionState OR
TissueSampleState OR
BehavioralTask OR
Add all entities that played a role in the production of this file bundle (must be true for all grouped files).
format Method of digitally organizing and structuring data or information. linked object ContentType If file instances within this bundle are organized and formatted according to a formal data structure use the appropriate contentType. Leave blank otherwise.
groupedBy Reference to the aspect used to group something. linked object FileBundleGrouping Add the concept which was used to group file instances into this file bundle.
hash Term used for the process of converting any data into a single value. Often also directly refers to the resulting single value. embedded object Hash Add the hash that was generated for this file bundle.
patternOfFilenames Reliable sample / structure of characters valid for all names in a particular collection of files. string Enter a regular expression (syntax: ECMA 262) which is valid for all filenames of the file instances that should be grouped into this file bundle.
storageSize Quantitative value defining how much disk space is used by an object on a computer system. embedded object QuantitativeValue Enter the storage size this file bundle allocates.
*This is the simplified property name - within a metadata instance of this schema (JSON-LD) the properties are extended to map to the openMINDS vocabulary namespace ("").